Online college

AI for Smart Industry: early prediction of failures

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Rotating machines are ubiquitous across all industrial sectors and they usually need to remain operational for an extended period and in harsh environments, which causes degradation and can eventually lead to failures in components.

Bearings are one the most critical components in rotating machines. Bearing failures result in unplanned downtime and thus impact production and maintenance costs. To reduce costs, monitoring the condition of bearings, therefore, plays a vital role in the maintenance programs of all rotating machinery.

AI could help to move from a traditional time-based preventive maintenance program to a condition-based maintenance or predictive maintenance strategy.

Dit online college is onderdeel van de AI Academy

Wil je dit online college en nog vele andere online trainingen op het gebied van AI & ChatGPT volgen?

Dat kan in de online AI Academy. Ontwikkel je kennis en skills op het gebied van AI en ChatGPT met meer dan 100 online leermodules.

Topspreker: Taoufik Bourgana

Taoufik Bourgana is a researcher and data scientist at Flanders Make, with a background in mechanical engineering and acoustics, and experience in time series analysis, computer vision and AI.

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